
Nor Luyce’s mission is to provide adolescent girls from socially vulnerable families with the mentorship, skills and support needed to become independent and globally aware young women capable of reaching their desired personal and professional goals.
1 out of 3

 alumni return to volunteer at Nor Luyce


of active mentees successfully graduate from their phase


mentees served with the help of 250 mentors

“You can readily identify the girls affiliated with Nor Luyce. They exhibit better preparedness, active engagement in discussions, and a willingness to express their thoughts openly. When tasked with creating a PowerPoint presentation, the entire group felt a sense of panic, unsure of how to proceed. In contrast, the Nor Luyce participants approached the task with self-assuredness and clarity. This notable contrast in confidence and approach highlights the sustainable and empowering ethos instilled by Nor Luyce.”
— H. Farzadyan, Professor


Anti-Bullying Program in Schools

After years of interacting with the mentees and mentors, we realized that bullying is a huge issue and so researched and created ways of successfully addressing bullying. We started to train the mentees and mentors and over time we have done many trainings with public schools. Currently we equip and encourage our mentees and mentors to educate others on bullying.


United Nations

The United Nations granted Nor Luyce Special Consultative status in 2020 under its Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) which is the highest status granted to non-governmental organizations. Since Nor Luyce has special competence in some of the fields covered by ECOSOC, Nor Luyce has been actively participating in UN-related events, meetings, and forums and has submitted a number of statements since 2020.


Birthright Armenia

In 2010, Nor Luyce established a fruitful collaboration with Birthright Armenia. Over the course of these years, we have welcomed and worked alongside over 80 dedicated BR volunteers. They generously shared their skills and knowledge, playing an instrumental role in propelling the growth and development of Nor Luyce.

Lehigh University

Since 2019, Nor Luyce has forged a fruitful partnership with Lehigh University, manifested through two prominent programs: the Lehigh Youth Representative and the Iaccoca Internship. Our Youth Representatives have skillfully represented Nor Luyce on various platforms, including at the United Nations, where they passionately voiced the challenges facing our country. Whereas the Iacocca intern not only contributed her expertise but also gained invaluable experience within our organization.

Shirak State University

Since 2010, Nor Luyce has had the privilege of partnering with Shirak State University to recruit mentors and interns. Over 295 mentors and 37 interns have come from the university. Their contributions have been pivotal in positively impacting the lives of adolescent girls, underscoring the significance of this collaboration.

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